Women of Black Mango!

In celebration of the women in our little Black Mango Family on International Women's Day, we wanted you to have the opportunity to know the team how we do!
What is your job title, and what does that involve day to day?
The job title on my email is - Managing Director / Photographer / Commercial Go To! This is pretty accurate, as well as a dabble in customer service (which I love) and I am also the general 'talk's to much' office member! My work day varies everyday because of my different 'hats' and this is just how I like it - I always start the week off with a full office day and a check in with the crew and then I might be hiding behind a camera the next day or working with our Commercial stylists, supporting them with a large fit out.
 Ecommerce Manager & Graphic Designer. From the backend website nitty gritty to the engaging email and sms campaigns, I try to ensure every aspect of your online interaction with Black Mango is seamless and enjoyable.
 I am part of our ‘customer service crew’, alongside Alicia we help our customers have the best experience possible. It is so wonderful to be able help people finalise orders, talk through a purchase or help with a return. Each day is different but all revolve around the customer experience which is what I love. 
 Customer Service Crew member... I'm the first point of contact (along with the absolutely gorgeous Marni) for our customers, ready to support them with any questions or concerns they might have, whether that be on the phone, emails or our live chat function. What I get up to each day is fairly similar from a 'day-to-day perspective', but there's always a little something to spice things up to keep life exciting - never a dull moment! 

On paper, I am the social media manager for Black Mango - but in reality this also involves marketing, content creation, strategising & more. Day to day I also help with a lot of the behind the scenes of our business! From customer service and quality control, to now learning some of the logistics side - it’s an exciting year ahead!

If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be? 
Kylie- Ohhhh I like this question, is it really for only one day.....  OK - then it would be the power to heal everyone that is suffering with an illness, maybe a reset button to cure everyone?
Stacey - I think the ability to manipulate time would be my choice. Imagine being able to pause or slow down time to savor precious moments, fast forward through tedious tasks, or even rewind to make better decisions with the benefit of hindsight.
What is your favourite thing about working at Black Mango?
Kylie- Our Team, half of us are literally related, some are not 'officially' blood related, although it feels like a family - We support each other workwise and personally and have fun. Office and warehouse is all about - Music up, chatter and rewarding and exciting work - Everyone has their special 'talent' and they are all amazing at what they do.
Alicia- Without a doubt it's our team! We're a small enough crew that we all know each other well and acknowledge each other's strengths. This means we can draw on each other's knowledge when needed and we all celebrate the wins together, no matter how big or small! I also love that Kylie and Daniel (our owners) afford me the opportunity to take time with our customers, to have that personal touch, as I love supporting our customers with a genuine warmth... For me, that's what we're all missing these days, so I like to make a small difference where I can!
Tamia- I love our team (and no I’m not just saying this because I am related to most of them!). We all have great relations and connections which make work flow so well. From photoshoots with mum, to coffee meetings with Dad - there’s always something going on and we are more often than not all involved in every aspect!
Do you have an ALL TIME favourite Black Mango Piece? 
Marni - As much as I could take home any piece in our range and find somewhere I love for it, I am partial to the Cloud Sofas. My favourite aspect is the slip covers- having the ability to completely change the look of a room with such ease is a winning factor in my mind. 
Alicia- It's way too tough to choose just one... Up until recently I would have said our Maggie Stools (as they are the perfect combination of a strong and sturdy, simple design that shows off the beauty of natural timber), but the newest addition to our range, our Gigi Paper Loom Dining Chairs are quickly stealing my heart AND the range is going to grow, so watch this space! Oh aaaand I LOVE our Cloud Single Seater - everyday decadence and self care all in one seat... Sorry, I couldn't help myself!
It's the start of 2024! What's something you hope to achieve this year, both personally and professionally? 
Stace- Personally I want 2024 to be all about self love and zen vibes. The beginning of this year has been a roller coaster ride with my son starting school for the first time, and any parent can relate to the mental weight that comes with that. So I want to be fully engaged in the present moment and appreciate the beauty of each day. Hopefully I can dive back into some hobbies that spark joy as well. Professionally, my goal is to refine my skill set and expand my knowledge beyond my current expertise. I also want to understand our customers better, to enhance their experience with us beyond its current level. With nearly nine years at Black Mango, I have witnessed its growth and I want to see more of that in 2024.
Marni - 2024 is all about good vibes both personally and professionally. Personally I am looking forward to being more creative through sewing and painting and making sure I create time for things I love doing. Professionally I am excited to continue my work with BlackMango and see all the things we have in store for this year grow and develop. 
Kylie- Feels like we are well into 2024 already because we have such exciting things happening this year! Professionally I am looking forward to camera in hand days, solid office days to continue to feel as organised as I do starting off the year and also more of back and forth chatter with the team to develop new ideas. Personally, I am looking forward to quality time with family, always, big family dinners and chatter, paddle boarding with my Kelpie and possibly putting a paint brush to canvas a little more often!
Alicia- Personally I want 2024 to be all about balance and enjoying my life with my family. With 3 teenagers driving now, life is busy and I want to soak up all the moments with them, can I slow down time?! Professionally I'm just hopeful of more of the same... Black Mango is the ultimate place to work (I call it my unicorn job!) and I'm just looking forward to watching all the new products and changes that arrive as the year goes on and continuing to support our customers to bring a little Black Mango magic into their lives!
Tamia- Personally, I am hoping to have a real balance of work, fun and travel! Fingers crossed an overseas trip is on the cards this year….. Professionally, I want to make the most of opportunities that are thrown my way, and get a little adventurous this year in terms of social content. We have exciting things on the horizon!